Terrain Tab

The terrain tab deals with terrain-related filters.

Terrain tab

The list of available filters in this tab is:

Biome Type

Choose one of the available biomes (even custom ones from other mods) by clicking the Select Biome Type button.

biome selection

Once a biome is chosen, only tiles from that biome will be selected.

The vanilla game (as of B18) offers twelves biomes where you can settle (please note that biomes that don’t allow bases can’t be filtered):

Please note that the Any biome simply means “All available biomes”. The Any biome is the default filter state, which also means that no specific biome filtering is applied in this state (or put in a different way: all biome tiles match).

Custom biomes from other mods are inherently supported.

Terrain Type

Choose one of the available terrain types (even custom ones from other mods), by clicking the Select Terrain button.

terrain selection

Once a terrain is chosen, only tiles with that terrain will be selected.

The vanilla game offers five terrain types:

Notice that the impassable terrain can’t be chosen in PrepareLanding as it is not possible to settle your colony in such a terrain. However the “Allow impassable tiles” in the Options tab allow you to choose and filter tiles with an impassable terrain.

Custom terrains from other mods are inherently supported.

Road Type

Choose a combination of the available road types by clicking one or more of the three-state options.

road selection

The vanilla game offers five road types (from the smallest to the biggest):

See three states filtering on how to proceed with this type of filter.

The Reset button reset all the road filters to their default state (Partial state). The All button selects all roads (On state) while the None button deselects all of them (Off state).

Custom roads from other mods are inherently supported.

River Type

Choose a combination of the available river types by clicking one or more of the three-state options.

river selection

The vanilla game offers four river types (from the biggest to smallest):

See three states filtering on how to proceed with this type of filter.

The Reset button reset all the river filters to their default state (Partial state). The All button selects all roads (On state) while the None button deselects all of them (Off state).

Custom roads from other mods are inherently supported.

Movement Times

Movement times filter allows you to filter tiles by the average time it would take to traverse the whole tile (for a pawn with default movement speed), depending on the season.

movement time selection

Do not forget to click on the Use filter if you want the filter to be taken into account.

movement time selection: click on use


Allows to filter tiles by their elevation (in meters). This filter is a Usable Numeric filter.

Elevation filter

Note: technically the vanilla game allows tile elevation to be in the following range: [-500, 5000].

Time Zone

Allows to filter tiles by their time zone on the world map. This filter is a Usable Numeric filter.

Time Zone Filter

Note that the time zones are in the range [-12, 12].

Coastal Tiles

A coastal tile is a tile with at least a pool of water (sea or lakes) in an adjacent tile.

The coastal tile filter is a single three-state filter.

Coastal filter

There are two kinds of coasts adjacent to a water body that can be filtered in PrepareLanding:

It is also possible to filter tiles with a sea coast depending on which direction the coast is facing: North, East, West, South.

Coastal filter: coast rotation

Stone Type

Choose a combination of the available stones types by clicking one or more of the three-state options.

stone selection

The vanilla game offers five stone types:

Stone order is important because the game gives different stones types (by quantity) once in the game map.

You can see the stone order by clicking a tile on the world map and looking at the terrain tab, then searching for the “Stone Type” entry:

movement time selection

Note that by default, the filtering is ordered. In the above example the precise order is: Sandstone then Limestone then Slate.

You can change the order of the stones in the filter: see the orderable three states filtering on how to proceed with this type of filter.

If you specifically do not want a specific order, click on the Filter: Ordered button (which will turn red): this instructs PrepareLanding to filter stones without any precise order.

stone selection: ordered

stone selection: no order

The Reset All button reset all the stone filters to their default state (Partial state).

Custom stone types from other mods are inherently supported.

Number of Stones

You can also use the number of stones filter which basically allows you to filter tiles with either 2 or 3 types of stones in it, whatever these stone types are.

number of stones filter

Notice than when this filter is in use, you can’t use the other stone types filter:

number of stones filter